️ Adults and adolescents aged over 12 years should take two tablets, preferably an hour after meals and before bedtime, as needed to relieve symptoms. Extra doses of two tablets can be taken if needed, but do not take more than 10 tablets in a day. ️ The tablets can be sucked or chewed.Oct 9, 2019

Should you take Rennie before or after food?

It's best to take antacids with food or soon after eating because this is when you're most likely to get indigestion or heartburn. The effect of the medicine may also last longer if taken with food.

How long do Rennies take to kick in?

Product Description. Rennie Peppermint fast-acting tablets get to work within minutes to provide effective relief from heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux. Each tablet contains two antacids – calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate – that work quickly and powerfully to neutralise excess acid in the stomach.

Is it better to take antacids in the morning or at night?

Take antacids about 1 hour after eating or when you have heartburn. If you are taking them for symptoms at night, do not take them with food. Antacids cannot treat more serious problems, such as appendicitis, a stomach ulcer, gallstones, or bowel problems.

Can I take Rennie at night?

Can I take Rennie at night? Yes, Rennie can be taken at night, neutralising excess stomach acid to help remove the discomfort of heartburn & indigestion.

Can I take 2 Rennies at once?

️ Adults and adolescents aged over 12 years should take two tablets, preferably an hour after meals and before bedtime, as needed to relieve symptoms. Extra doses of two tablets can be taken if needed, but do not take more than 10 tablets in a day.

Do Rennies have side effects?

Uncommon side effects If too much calcium is administered to the patient, the body may begin to show signs of hypercalcaemia: constipation. severe dry mouth. headache.

Do you chew or swallow Rennies?

From the results obtained it becomes evident that by chewing rather than swallowing the antacid intact tablet, a quicker and more effective relief is obtained.